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All-American Football

Regular price $24.99
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Regular price $24.99
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Product Description

All-American Football

Things were going smoothly for the All-American Football. From exhilarating hail mary passes to nail-biting last-second field goals, this football captured the attention of diehard fans and casual spectators for decades.

Then a sneaky equipment manager illegally deflated the ball to tip the scales in favor of his team. Once the press caught wind of it, things took a turn for the worse. Lawyers, court cases, and a high-profile divorce later, the old pigskin had a tarnished reputation.

Rather than throw in the towel, this football pumped itself back up and tightened its laces for a comeback. And now, rising from the ashes comes a restored football, in purpose and in air, ready to capture the attention of the National Football League and American audience once again.

All-American Football